Monthly Archives: December 2011

The Holidays, Humor and Humility

This week, with the holidays right around the corner, I find myself immersed in a myriad of emotions. Beginning on Sunday with what we knew would be a close game, the Giants played more with our hearts than against their opponent. If you know anything about those residing in my home, you know this game was no joking matter. But in the end, they were victorious, leaving the anxiety of “can they do it?” to linger on.

I am blessed to spend this evening with some wonderful friends having a veggie packed meal before I return to the land of no veggies (only kidding, Texas) to be with my family. Excitement fills me as does nostalgia. My heart is heavy as I remember each Christmas from my childhood. To forget the past is to forget who we are and yet remembering can often be so difficult. It is important to remember, it is important to feel and it is most important, during times like these, to treat yo self!



Nobody knew the power of a post-work beverage better than Jeanie. So from her through me and now to you, I raise a glass of cinnamon sugar rimmed Harpoon Winter Warmer (aka heaven in a glass) to all of my family. Both those I was lucky enough to be given and those I’ve made for myself. You are the reason for the season and I’m grateful for what  you’ve meant to me. L’Chaim!

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Date Night With Kate

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas AND finals are just around the corner; whether we like it or not this is a stressful time of year. Being my mother’s daughter, I deal with stress by taking care of other people so I decided that last night to combat the stress and the cold a lovely little date night was in order. I texted my boyfriend, told him that it was date night and went grocery shopping.

Steak, yellow squash, zucchini, onion, garlic, potatoes, and rolls...

... becomes pure joy when combined with a dash of southern love!







I cooked steaks for the first time garnished with sautéed yellow squash & zucchini, charred rolls, Lea’s home fries, and a bottle of Texas Merlot. My man and I enjoyed a quiet dinner at my house, a free screening of It’s a Wonderful Life, a walk in the Christmas lights, and ended the night with late night sundaes.

Local wine for a local lady.

Life when you’re young, busy, and have lots of things to spend very little money on can sometimes get challenging but it is important to remember that it’s not about what you’re doing; it’s about who you’re with.

Christmas-light watching shenanigans.

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